4 yards of non-aromatic, deciduous wood chips. Such as: alder, maple, or poplar.
10 pounds of steel cut organic oats.
Additionally, you can add 1 gallon of Soil ProVide and 1 pound of Soil ReVive/Soil Fortify. (Optional) Shop Products
Build the pile directly onto the soil in an area where you can avoid chemical drift, and where you do not get standing water.
Create a 4 inch layer of wood chips, and sprinkle a very thin layer of oats. Spray with water and/or the Soil ProVide/Soil ReVive mixture.
Repeat this process until the whole pile is built up.
Cover the whole pile with cardboard, making sure to secure the cardboard so it doesn’t blow away.
Let it sit for 6 months to a year, undisturbed.​
Application Rate
50 lbs per 1000 square feet OR approximately 2 yards per acre.