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diverse group of approximately 8 people in a field in germany, in a field of yellow flowers


Garden Soil

External Lab Resources

Looking for specific kinds of additional testing? Here is a list of labs that we love working with - We are sure you will too! 

Scientist with Microscope

Client FAQ

Wonder if you're wondering the same thing as others? Review a compiled list of questions that we get from our best customers. 

interaction in class

Protozoa Infusion Recipe

Does your compost tea need an extra boost of protozoa? Try our recipe:

Gold Liquid

Easy DIY Static Compost Method

A quick guide to making your own compost!

Organic Compost

Earthfort Testing References

The source of our success in the lab. References for our testings methods:

Reviewing Laws

Recommended Reading

All of the handy, helpful links, books, textbooks, and more than we reference and recommend for further education. 


Compost Referral List

We've tested a LOT of compost samples here in our lab over the years. We want to spread the good word of folks who are selling high quality compost - to our clients that need it! 

Compost Pickup Service

Recommended Application Rates

Wondering how much product to purchase for your soil project or farm? We can help! 

Digital Calculator_edited.jpg

Compost Tea Recipe & Instructions

Wondering how the pros make their own compost tea? Try our recipe. Psst... Works perfectly with our 5 gal bucket tea brewer!

Copper Tea Kettle

Earthfort Testing Descriptions

The nitty gritty details of the testing assays that our lab offers. 


Terms Glossary

Want some light reading? We've compiled this list of helpful definitions when it comes to the regenerative soil world. 


Get In Touch with Soil Life

635 SW Western Blvd.

Corvallis, OR 97333

Tel: 541-257-2612

Instagram: @earthfortllc

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